Higher Education Marketing: Purpose-Driven Messaging

Prospective students can find the academic courses and degrees they are looking for at a seemingly endless list of higher education establishments, so how do colleges stand out among the rest and recruit students to attend their school instead of another? The answer is purpose-driven messaging.

Purpose-driven messaging in higher education marketing is all about connecting with the right students for the right reasons. It’s not so much a matter of conveying the products that an institution offers, such as its credentials and degree programs, but rather the key missions and values of the school.

College student on campus

Product-focus vs. Purpose-focus

Product-driven marketing typically leads with transactional information usually focused on how much money someone can save. It’s easy to default to talking about the products and services a college offers instead of its purpose. Think about it – when was the last time you saw a university advertisement that focused more on why they exist rather than what they offer? Purpose-focused messaging, however, requires digging deeper and articulating why the school exists and how it adds value to its students’ lives as well as the community.

When determining the focus of your higher education marketing messaging, it’s important to consider whether you want to emphasize the product (i.e., college degree/credential) or the purpose (the impact that graduating from your school will have on a student’s life as well what the school’s missions are). While both approaches can be effective, product-focused messaging is often too bland when trying to connect with students.  Many schools are seeing success in emphasizing the purpose rather than just offering an academic program.

College Campus

Understanding the Target Audience

The major college-aged generation is currently known as Gen X, and they are the most socially engaged and purpose-focused generation to date. As with any type of marketing strategy, understanding your target demographics and how best to communicate with them is crucial for success. Recent data analytics show that a personally tailored, purpose-driven message resonates more deeply with students and their families than a generic approach that lacks personalization.

Beyond the Degree

When creating purpose-driven messaging, it’s important to think beyond the admissions process and the course requirements and consider what sets your particular institution apart from others. Prospective students want to know not only what makes your school unique in terms of academics, campus life, and the student experience, but also what your school stands for. It’s not just about having the classes and degrees students need, but also about having an authentic atmosphere centered around what your school believes in. This focus builds loyalty that goes far beyond a college’s credentials and taps into the hearts and ethics of its individuals.

College students enjoying time hanging out on campus

Benefits of Purpose-driven Messaging for Higher Education Marketing

When colleges focus on purpose-driven messaging rather than product-focused messaging, they are able to make a more meaningful connection with prospective students. This type of messaging conveys the mission and values of the school, which is likely to resonate more with prospective students than a list of courses and programs offered.

Purpose-driven messaging helps attract students who align with the institutions’ values, meaning that they are more likely to stay enrolled and become loyal alumni. Purpose-driven messaging helps higher education institutions build a community of loyal students, connected on a more sustainable level that exceeds social and economic lines. This kind of relationship between the school and students establishes the college as an authority in its industry and attracts potential donors, partners, faculty members, staff, and other stakeholders who share the same values.

Purpose-driven messaging is efficient marketing. By knowing their purpose, colleges and universities can empower students to change the world – starting with enrollment at their institution.

Applying Purpose-driven Messaging

By communicating how graduation from their institution can lead to fulfilling career paths and meaningful life experiences, marketers can also create powerful connections with potential students. This type of communication and relationship with prospective applicants instills in them a sense of purpose when considering which school is right for them.

Higher education institutions utilizing purpose-driven messaging should apply this approach to all aspects of their marketing, from website content to social media campaigns to print materials.


A clearly stated purpose focuses on the “why” rather than the “what,” and when communicated correctly, the exclusivity of the purpose will successfully narrow down qualified leads to those students who are most likely to enroll. A specified target market helps save on costs by avoiding wasting resources on ineffective advertising.

Overall, purpose-driven messaging offers a great opportunity for higher education marketing teams to connect with potential students on a deeper level than just the academic services that are offered.

Looking for help with your marketing strategy? Contact us today and let our experienced team of digital marketers help you create a powerful campaign!

About Rene | Spherical Strategies – Senior Marketing Strategist

Rene works with Spherical Strategies as a Senior Marketing Strategist. She brings a love of business building and decades of marketing experience to every project she works on. Over the past several years she has worked with companies of all sizes developing custom marketing strategies focused on business development and growth.

Outside of her work as a marketing strategist, Rene loves to travel and experience food from around the world while encouraging those around her to get outside of their comfort zones.